Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

Striking a Balance between Cyber-Crime Prevention and Privacy

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Striking a Balance between Cyber-Crime Prevention and Privacy

Many law enforcement authorities are concerned about the use criminals could make of communications and data security mechanisms, but attempts to weaken the level of protection available to citizens in the name of crime detection could well be counter-productive.

Andreas Pfitzmann, Dresden University of Technology, and Marit Köhntopp, Independent Centre for Privacy Protection

Issue: A balance between cyber-crime prevention and the desire to ensure privacy is urgently needs to be struck. However, it is unclear to what extent this is possible using either the ICTs (Information and Communications Technology) available today or likely to become available in the near future.

Relevance: Privacy is a concern both for individuals and for democratic society as a whole. If people feel they are being spied upon, they will tend not to express themselves freely or act according to their own interests. As well as privacy, security is also a basic need for human beings. In a world where cyber-crime is becoming more prominent and its effects are increasingly serious, it is important to look for ways that prevent cyber-crime as far as possible without undermining the concept of privacy and security.


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