Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

Have you been smart tagged? WinXP IE6 has a little list

Have you been smart tagged? WinXP IE6 has a little list

By John Lettice

Posted: 13/06/2001 at 15:00 GMT

Recent builds of the Internet Explorer 6 beta have included the IE implementation of Microsoft's smart tag technology, prompting choruses of disapproval from the media. Which is of course understandable - smart tag technology parses its way through a web page, underlines the words it's been pre-programmed to react to, and inserts its own hyperlinks.


That's what Microsoft says you can do to block them if you don't like them, but we kind of like the Electronic Frontier Foundation's suggestion that you could sue Redmond for breach of copyright, as smart tags create unauthorised derivative works.

