Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

Microsoft nein danke: snoop scares dog US IT in Europe

Microsoft nein danke: snoop scares dog US IT in Europe

By: John Lettice

Posted: 19/03/2001 at 19:38 GMT

IDG's Berlin bureau today secured a denial of Der Spiegel's 'Bundeswehr to ban Microsoft software' story. But actually, it looks to us like one of those denials - the ones that deny something slightly but materially different, while tacitly confirming the original story. And a closer examination of the role of Buckley, Colorado, does kind of suggest the Germans have a point.


Forget the rights and wrongs, life's too short. The bottom line is that there exists a climate of suspicion, and that as all of the data goes onto the wires or into the air, there is as inevitability to the move away from US suppliers for government and security purposes. There's a commercial reason for the non-US suppliers to bash the tub like crazy, too, we don't deny that... ®
