Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

Clay Shirky: Hailstorm - Open Web Services Controlled by Microsoft

Clay Shirky: Hailstorm - Open Web Services Controlled by Microsoft


So many ideas and so many technologies are swirling around P2P -- decentralization, distributed computing, web services, JXTA, UDDI, SOAP -- that it's getting hard to tell whether something is or isn't P2P, and it's unclear that there is much point in trying to do so just for the sake of a label.

What there is some point in doing is evaluating new technologies to see how they fit in or depart from the traditional client-server model of computing, especially as exemplified in recent years by the browser-and-web-server model. In this category, Microsoft's Hailstorm is an audacious, if presently ill-defined, entrant. Rather than subject Hailstorm to some sort of P2P litmus test, it is more illuminating to examine where it embraces the centralization of the client-server model and where it departs by decentralizing functions to devices at the network's edge.

