Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

In re: "Die 101 Köpfe der New Economy: Detlef Eckert"

Commission to 'look into' antitrust work of MS' Eurocrat hire

By John Lettice

Posted: 29/11/2002 at 16:13 GMT


This one may yet run some distance, but Eckert, who is going to work from Paris on Trustworthy Computing, under the .NET umbrella at Microsoft, will most certainly be minding what he says. The trouble is that, although Microsoft says he's not going to work for the legal unit (of course he isn't, silly), Trustworthy Computing is all about security, identity, encryption... All of this is stuff his unit was directly concerned with on a day to day basis, and there's far more potential here for conflict of interest than there is as regards the antitrust case.


See also:

Aus der FTD vom 15.2.2001

Die 101 Köpfe der New Economy: Detlef Eckert

Von Nicole Adolph, Brüssel

Detlef Eckert leitet bei der EU-Kommission in Brüssel den Planungsstab, der die Europäische Union für das digitale Zeitalter fit machen soll. Im Geheimen träumt er davon, sich selbstständig zu machen und seine Ideen auf dem freien Markt zu verkaufen.

