Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

FC: More on terrorists using open source software to wreak havoc

------- Forwarded message follows ------- Date sent: Wed, 05 Jun 2002 09:57:53 -0700 To: From: Declan McCullagh <> Subject: FC: More on terrorists using open source software to wreak havoc Send reply to:


Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 00:23:29 -0700 From: carey <> To: Subject: Re: FC: Terrorists could use open source software to wreak havoc!


I thought this was mildly amusing when I saw it as well. I decided to go hit up Mr. Ken Brown who was listed as the President of ADTI and see what his answer to the funding question was. He sent me a rather cryptic, dodgy response.

Especially strange is # 3. Also the tripe about 'true patriots' was a bit funny. What, true patriots don't use linux?

-------------------------------------- From: "Ken Brown" <> Sent: Sunday, June 2, 2002 11:02 AM To: Subject: RE: Quick and curious

Our position is as follows:

1: No software is invulnerable. Thus all software inherently has security problems 2: Those with motivations to crack a software for bad reasons, etc. will do so, regardless whether the product is os or proprietary. 3: OS is a sound, credible approach for creating systems for the Internet, etc. however, its basis is upon sharing. While we understand that all OS does not have to be shared a majority of it whether it is commercial or non-commercial is shared. GPL and GPL licensed applications are over 80% of popular OS products today. GPL and LGPL stipulate that sharing must occur. 4. National security systems must be secret. Anything or anyone that poses any type of indiscreet sharing of intimate information about our government's IT infrastructure is an inherent threat.


Due to increased interest by bad people in our national security system's vulnerabilities, we should avoid use of systems that enable, require or mandate indiscreet sharing.

Microsoft and people's hate for Microsoft is irrelevant. True patriots will come to grips with the reality that really bad people want more information about our nation's computer systems; and giving bad people indiscreetly any information about our systems is reckless.


-----Original Message----- From: carey [] Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 5:12 PM To: Subject: Quick and curious

I'm sure I -could- find this on the net already, but I'd figure I'd ask you first.

Just curious, given your heavy coverage of Microsoft related issues, if you received any funding from a Microsoft-based group?

Also, how long have you been in existence? I ran across an article today, and I was a bit curious.

Thanks in advance,

Carey Lening

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