Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

Creating A Subpoena-Proof Diary: A Technological Solution to A Legal Problem

Creating A Subpoena-Proof Diary: A Technological Solution to A Legal Problem

James D Miller Assistant Professor of Economics Smith College, USA

Lixin Gao Associate Professor of Computer Science Smith College, USA


Many high ranking government officials are afraid to keep a diary because of the possibility that it will be subpoenaed. This will undoubtedly be a great loss to future historians. This paper describes a method by which a subpoena-proof diary can be kept. The diary can be encrypted in a way such that no one, not even the author, can read it until some period of time has elapsed. In this way, the diary can be read by future historians but not by contemporary political enemies.

JIM LEHRER: 'Are you keeping a diary? Are you keeping good notes on what's happening?'

HILLARY CLINTON: 'Heavens no! It would get subpoenaed. I can't write anything down [Laughing]'[1].

Keywords: Encryption, Privacy, Unraveling, Subpoena and Diary

