Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

FI: Proposed law raises controversy over freedom of expression on internet message boards

Home - Monday 16.12.2002

Proposed law raises controversy over freedom of expression on internet message boards

A bill for a new law on freedom of expression has sparked a dispute over control of the content of internet message boards. Opponents of the proposed legislation say that such a law would hurt freedom of expression on the net, and would push large message boards out of Finland. The main opponents of the proposal include companies such as Sonera and Jippii, who maintain large internet portals. Internet experts are also opposed to the move, which they consider impractical. The proposal has found support among the traditional media. The Parliament's constitutional committee is expected to take a stand on the proposal in January.

The bill would make internet publications responsible for their content. Now only the individual writers are responsible for what they write. The proposed new law would mean that internet publications would be required to examine messages sent to their message boards in advance. Large portals feel that this would be an overwhelming task both physically and financially, because they get thousands of messages each day.

