Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

Recording Industry Ass. of America (RIAA) planning legal action

Big-media Axis of Evil on the march

By Thomas C Greene in Washington

Posted: 22/08/2002 at 11:37 GMT

The Recording Industry Ass. of America (RIAA) may have temporarily abandoned plans to censor Web sites available to American surfers, but they've still got their shock troops on heightened alert. Recently they've attempted to force to identify a customer they claim is making music files available for download. Verizon has refused, out of concern that it might expose itself to liability on privacy grounds. The RIAA has filed a second demand with the courts in Washington, DC, claiming that the customer's privacy rights are nullified by its superior copyright concerns. Apparently the presumption of innocence will be another casualty of that glorious crusade.

