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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Chair

I find this whole discussion about the "panel" selecting a "chair", an 
"alternate chair", and a "secretary" to be rather intriguing...

Most other organizations allow their membership to directly elect their 
administrators who then convene panels and committees to get the job done.  
Here the converse appears to be true, and panelists are now jockeying to 
secure prominent leadership positions.

I don't recall the membership authorizing this panel to act in this manner.  
You were elected as a team, as a unit, to complete the work unfinished by the 
first interim panel.  This representative panel model is akin to that of the 
Iroquois Tribal Council, a true confederacy, in which each of you is but one 
voice among equals that together act on the basis of unanimity if possible, 
and consensus otherwise.

If the membership had wanted a "spokesperson" or a "chair" or a "leader" by 
any other name, then it would have acted to directly elect such a person... 
but it couldn't... for reasons of legitimacy it wanted to operate within the 
rubric of bylaws and a membership-approved charter that would provide for 
such elections.  You panelists are only placeholders.  You are there solely 
to ensure that the membership has the bylaws that will allow them to elect 
their true leaders.  You weren't elected to become a de facto ruling junta.  
Keep that in mind.  

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