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RE: [atlarge-discuss] ...the last several days' posts

Joey wrote:

>I’ve acquired exquisite perception, sensitivity, intuition, compassion
>and actual knowledge of-and-about a few things, people and “politics” chief
>among them.

So, I take it, you don't buy the argument that "lawyer" is the larval stage
of "politician", which is an annoying yet marginally useful insect we are
all force to live with?  :)

Seriously, we could use legal assistance to help make us a legal non-profit
agency!  Talk to Joanna!

>Second, it is simply at the least bad form not to have published the
>complete panel vote with all candidates’ names and panel member votes for

I assume this comments on the selection of the Chair by the Panel members?
I agree that this would be useful info, but the selection of the chair was
the panel's duty & responsibility.  That said, why cloud the decision by
posting the vote data here, thereby causing members to thrash around about
it?  They chose, we need to accept their choice and move on.

Disclaimer: I nominated and voted for both Vittorio and Joanna (among
others), knowing that they have two very different visions for the At Large,
but knowing that both visions deserved representation on our panel. But even
if someone else had been chosen I would equally support them now, because
the Panel has the authority to choose and made their choice, and I have the
responsibility as a member to honor it!

>Third, one of the burdens taken on by each of the new panelists, whether
>they are aware of it or not or whether they are comfortable with it or not
>or whether they like it or not, is to read every last post of every member
>to this list and respond to the merits of suggestions and proposals made in
>any such posts, however lame brained or “late to the party” they may think
>an offering is within the limits of this marvelous near-instantaneous

Agreed.  In a flat organization like the one I hope we're building, everyone
in the membership has an advisory role that they need to take seriously.  If
they did, we might have fewer "flame wars" and more reasoned discourse here

>Fourth, I would like to soon see others follow my step in creating my forum
>profile and personal space, most especially the panel members.


Bruce Young
Portland, Oregon
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