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[atlarge-discuss] 006 Name - Timeline and Schedule

Folks -

I need a little help here.

We have hundreds of "members" who receive this list - right?

Our Panel of 11 approves a doable seven-day name-us Timeline and Schedule
by the vote of 7 For, 0 Against, and 4 who did not cast a vote for or
against. There was little discussion about how four of our shiny brand-new
panel decided not to vote either for or against - right?

The schedule was:
 Day 3 - MONDAY 26th AUGUST - Deadline for Panel to agree on...
 Day 4 - TUESDAY 27th AUGUST - Panel to send a notice to...
 Day 7 - FRIDAY 30th AUGUST - Panel to ballot the membership... - right?

By the comments of some of us who are more outspoken, we still do not have
an all inclusive list of names to vote on - right?

The vote mailing-list, in a "compiled, all inclusive, ready to use"
fashion, has not yet been provide for the panels use - right?

Today is Day 12 (020904) - right?

>From a "fish or cut bait" point of view, while we can agree on what is
included as fishing, if one of us who are more outspoken should question
the as-agreed-upon definition, instead of our Panel of 11 working together
and shutting down the discuss on a matter already decided, we allow more
time to be spent by fueling the descussion's fires - right?

>From our hundreds of members who receive these mailings, and not just from
those of us who are more outspoken, there has not been much traffic
questioning the how-and-why we find ourselves at Day 12 of a doable 7 Day
schedule, and the steps necessary to fix this situation - right?

But, shouldn't there be...?

 --- REgards, walts@dorsai.org Walter C. Schmidt, IT CPA  Blue(.) ---
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