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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Re: 850/8=100


At 09:20 AM 9/6/2002 -0500 [today], with the subject heading "OFFLIST: RE: [atlarge-discuss] Re: 850/8=100," an Admirer wrote me personally.

I believe it relevant to this list in its particular inaccuracy, its presumptions and its expressed free-speech and equality oppositional values, and I have commented throughout below.

I am not disclosing the author, though they are free to claim on-list responsibility. A Blind CC of this is being simultaneously sent directly to them. -- Joey

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joey Borda **star*walker**
> Sorry Jeff, either I am denser than usual this morning or I
> was not clear enough in my request.
> Where may I read Jim's original post in full? What is the URL
> reference for it that I may follow the yellow-brick-road to it? ;-)

Of course *you* know the answer:
1 - Jim has been banned from posting to this list,
2 - The person calling himself "Jeff" received a personal post from
    Jim and thought it necessary to forward it to this list,
3 - So there won't be any copy of Jim's message in the archive

And everyone else on this list knows these facts. What are you
trying to gain by adding noise to the list by your posts?
I am relatively new to this group and I was unaware of these facts until you enumerated them here.

/s/ Joey

Friday, September 06, 2002 * 6:16 PM EDT USA
Optional Reading Regarding Recent Signature Quote Below as well as my signature for this post -- Be Warned! -- MCAA NC-17 Rating Pending ====
My Admirer continues... [OFF-LIST]:

And while I'm venting, why do you think it important to voice your
sexual preference on this list? IMHO, this is not the place for
the type of posting you just did.
I wonder which came first? Your upset at thinking I was in possession facts it turns out I was not in possession of, or your upset at the contents of my signature line which I have the right to print wherever I like?

> Stuart:  [interactive glances with his mother...] Because I'm
> queer. I'm
> gay. I'm homosexual. I'm a poof. I'm a poofter. I'm a punce.
> [now with a
> steady stare...]
> I'm a bum boy, a batty boy, backside artist, bugger. I'm bent.
> I am that arse bandit. I lift those shirts.
> I'm a faggot-assed, fudge-packin, shit-stabbin uphill gardener.
> I dine at the downstairs restaurant. I dance at the other end of the
> ballroom. I'm Moses and the parting of the red cheeks.
> I fuck and I'm fucked. I suck and I'm sucked.
> I rim them and wank them, and every single man's had the
> fuckin time of his life.
As with the U.K.'s Channel 4 TV Network that publicly broadcast "Queer As Folk" from which the dialogue above is quoted, viewers were free to "tune in" or not, as they liked. I recommend the same to everyone with regard to my signature lines. Or anything else for that matter.

It's fittingly ironic that you criticize me here for a quotation presented outside its full context, which when presented in whole makes it clear the words transcribed above were themselves in response to criticism, a blackmail attempt and censorial pressures.

I'll defend your right to be whoever you want to be,...
Are you willing to defend who I am as well as "whoever [I] want to be?" The inference I take from what you say here is that somehow you are not who you want to be. Rather that you "just are." The same is true for me.

If you are willing to defend who I AM, let me know.

...but not your right to post this stuff to a list about the Internet.
Totally out of place! Take your 'in-your-face about my sex' stuff
somewhere else. It's just as out of place here as if I included something
about the sex life of a short, fat, long white-haired WASP.
I accept your criticism that my posts or portions thereof may say things you'd rather not read or "hear."

I will, however, not censor myself to your standards or anyone else's. I will speak freely as I see fit.

In one of my first posts to this list I wrote "[Y]ou are never going to see me substitute for anything I have to say with "@#$%^*!" [http://www.fitug.de/atlarge-discuss/0208/msg00107.html]

With me what you see, what you read, what you hear and what you can intuit is what you get. I am 99.9% transparent.

You may not always like me, or like me at all, but you can bet with 99.9% certainty that I am who I am. I will never shrink from that. And so follows as night the day that I always follow through with action based on my integrity, my principles and my promises.

Oh, the remaining 0.1%?! Best I can tell they are the quantum forces that hold me on this planet.

Be queer. I don't care. Slap me in the face with it, I care.

[/s/ [identity protected]...]
I'm sorry you feel slapped in the face. It is not in me to ever slap anyone in the face.

If on the other hand you mean it's fine with you that I'm QUEER so long as I don't' tell you about and don't talk about it, well in that case, "Sorry, I won't accommodate you."

That would not be coexistence but rather existence for you alone and oppression and depersonalization for me.

/s/ Joey

Friday, September 06, 2002 * 6:16 PM EDT USA

"I like DICK!"

**Star*walker** Favorite Moment Quote
From Episode 105 of Showtime's Queer As Folk (USA)
written by Jason Schafer (series co-producer and author of movie Trick)

Scene: 17-year-old Justin seated with his 40-something mother Jennifer in front of a 40-something woman therapist. Justin's mother is expressing her amazement and belief that Justin just couldn't possibly be gay yet?!

Jennifer: He's only 17. He's too young.. to be having those feelings... to be... [pauses, then turns to Justin who is seated beside her...] Justin, how can you possibly know now who you are?
Therapist: Justin, do you have anything to say? [closely observes Justin ...]

Justin: [pauses, looks "gayly forward;" then earnestly, deliberately, emphatically]
I like dick! [pause] I want'a get fucked by dick. I want'a suck dick. I like sucking dick. [cheerily] And I'm good at it too! [finishing with self-satisfied-grin]

Therapist: Well ?! [mildly startled pause; then satisfied, with stuttering hesitation] That's!........ a start.

Queer As Folk (USA) http://queer.SHO.com

These words truly do* say it for us all! -- **Star*walker**

* Paraphrasing an earlier episode when Michael, ironically, says that Brian "says them for us all," when he appears to whisper some unknown "magic" words into the ears of yet another beautiful about-to-be one-night-stand.

