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[atlarge-discuss] FYI: New Indigenous/IT networking list forming [and WSIS]

I thought you might like to know, if you don't already, that this sort of thing is going on all the time. Meanwhile, please do forward it to your own networks.




From: "Michael Gurstein" <mgurst@vcn.bc.ca>
To: "community informatics" <communityinformatics@vancouvercommunity.net>,
   "Cpi-Ua@Vancouvercommunity. Net" <cpi-ua@vancouvercommunity.net>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 14:59:21 -0400
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Subject: [CPI-UA] FW: [Secretariat] New Indigenous and IT egroup

      -----Original Message-----
From:  secretariat-admin@globalcn.tc.ca [mailto:secretariat-admin@globalcn.tc.ca]On  Behalf Of Robyn Kamira
Sent: September 12, 2002 5:41  PM
To: gcn-wsisinfo@globalcn.tc.ca; secretariat@globalcn.tc.ca; 'Brian  Beaton'; 'Frank Odasz'; William Oates; 'Moana Sinclair'
Subject:  [Secretariat] New Indigenous and IT egroup

Tena  koutou,

I  have established a new egroup for Indigenous peoples / communities and  individuals and respectfully ask that you send this to your Indigenous  networks.


This  is a new e-group for Indigenous  voices  who wish to begin the dialogue at the  global level.   

The  initial reason it has been established is to find out if there is interest  amongst Indigenous peoples/individuals in the  World Summit for Information  Societies  (WSIS).  So far the  Indigenous input has been noticeably sparse.  There is also a high risk that  non-Indigenous people will speak on our behalf. See http://www.itu.int/wsis/ for details about the  WSIS.


Five  of us submitted a document to the WSIS in July via a global group (the Global  Community Networking Partnership GCNP) that is a registered NGO.  We signed our names to this at very  short notice and I am happy to say with the proactive support we received from  GCNP in Geneva the Indigenous focus is now coming thru all the documentation  >from the WSIS.  Even so, there  appears to be no Indigenous spokesperson / group / whatever to deliver future  input.  If you would like a copy of  this original pdf file please ask.   


I  am not certain of the outcomes but I know that on other occasions what has been  achieved at the global level has in some cases benefited Indigenous peoples  locally (such as the intense intellectual property debates in the 80s and  90s).  I am willing to see where  this leads.


At the moment there are six Indigenous members from Aotearoa (NZ) and Australia. Today I have put the wider notice  out to our global networks.   This is unashamedly Indigenous and while some people may disagree that it be Indigenous only, if  we want to have a valid and mandated Indigenous voice at the global level we need to find out what that is without distractions.

For  people who would like to join this group, go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Indigenous-IT/   
If there are any problems joining please email me.

Naku  na

Robyn  Kamira

Judyth Mermelstein     "cogito ergo lego ergo cogito..."
Montreal, QC           <espresso@e-scape.net>
"A word to the wise is sufficient. For others, use more."

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