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Re: [atlarge-discuss] icannatlarge.com

Where is the info on the vote on the web page? I don't think the web page is being used very effectively, if info on an ongoing vote isn't linked to the 1st page. Jamie

Vittorio Bertola wrote:
On 24 Sep 2002 10:55:38 -0000, you wrote:

now. Assuming in all fairness that it never occurred to anyone at that time, and that it is purely coincidental that such realization came only at a crucial time as the vote, the people concerned (the ones who fear prosecution, persecution, etc.) may kindly step down and aside, so the work of the organization goes on unhindered.

I personally agree. I think that, at this time, there is no real risk of
legal implications for anyone; I think we should reconsider this only in
view of a "cease and desist" letter from ICANN or other sign that ICANN is
not happy with our use of their name, and only after trying a negotiation
with them. If any member or panel member is not happy to take this risk...
well, being part of an organization, especially if in positions of
responsibility, means that you have to take the risks together with the
honours. If you're not available to accept your responsibilities, you
shouldn't be there in the first place.

As I already told a number of times, I think that this whole issue is only
risking to derail our organization and to blow it up. This is why we should
focus on proceeding - for example, on sorting out the web and lists issues
so that working groups can start to actually work.

So: might we please know the results of the vote on the name, and proceed?

James Love, Consumer Project on Technology
http://www.cptech.org, mailto:love@cptech.org
voice: 1.202.387.8030; mobile 1.202.361.3040

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