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[atlarge-discuss] Incorporating Non-Profit in Oregon

I did the homework on our incorporating in Oregon.  Here's the facts:

- Cost is $20.00

- There are four forms required for filing: a simple one-page registration
form, a 501(c)(3) Status form, an optional fax form to allow you to fax in
the registration forms (if you want to pay with plastic!), and a form to
request a copy of the completed paperwork!  All are in Microsoft Word
format.  I have them!

- Annual reports and renewal of status are required.  However the renewal
forms are computer generated by the state and mailed out forty-five days
prior their due date.

That's it!  We can be incorporated the day the papers are filed.  I'll
gladly pay the $20.00 fee and take time off of work to submit the forms, but
three members of the organization need to sign the registration form.  One
should probably be Hans, as acting Chairman, and maybe a non-US panel member
if we can make that happen.  I'm ready to make this happen, folks, if you

Bruce Young
Portland, Oregon USA
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