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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Re: "...producing results..." ??

Judyth and all stakeholders or other interested parties and members,

  I must say Judyth that I enjoyed your sophistry at the end or your comments
below towards Jim's remarks, although I found such a bit unproductive.
(More Below Judith's individual comments/remarks below)

espresso@e-scape.net wrote:

> Jim Fleming wrote:
> >> http://www.fitug.de/atlarge-panel/0211/msg00171.html
> >> From: Vittorio Bertola <vb@bertola.eu.org>
> >> "If we want to stop wasting time and start producing results,
> >> we have to take the burden of establishing a process."
> >> ===
> >>
> >> Would it be possible to articulate one **sample** result that you can envision being produced ?
> >>
> >> Would these results be documents, inventions, software, brands, >>organizations, bake sales, bake-offs, recommendations ?
> I can't speak for Vittorio but I suspect a majority of icannatlarge.org members would expect things like
> 1 - A well-defined mission and a plan by which it can be pursued with the assistance of icannatlarge.org members;

  Very much agreed.  However without funding any such mission and accompanying
plan is nearly worthless and very unlikely to have any impact in the favor
of the huge number of stakeholders/users that are and are not ICANNATLARGE.ORG

> 2 - A well-expressed case for reversing the exclusion of ordinary Internet users from decision-making at ICANN and other bodies affecting Internet governance;

  This has already been done on a number of occasions.  Each of us however
still must continue to strongly make the case from our own perspectives
and at the same time support other stakeholder/users in their cases made
that have the common goal of stakeholder/user voice and vote on any and
all policies that may or will impact them.

> 3 - A clear and intelligible overview of what all the "alphabet soup" means -- that is, definitions of acronyms for the various bodies involved in Internet administration and governance, plus who they are, what they do, and how they relate to one another -- such that Internet users do not need to read several thousand pages of fairly difficult material to find out what we are talking about;

  Again most if not all of this information is available.  Some of these "alphabet soup"
organizations under the ICANN muddled structure put out allot of inaccurate
and misleading information as if it was gospel, but that is something that
ICANNATLARGE.ORG can and should, IMHO, address for informational

> 4 - Translations of all of the above plus other significant documents into at least several commonly-spoken languages so that people who don't understand English can also know what is going on;

  Also agreed.  But again this too costs $$.  Hence again without good funding
such translations will likely lag unnecessarily...

> 5 - A strategy for publicizing the availability of these materials and the fact that an umbrella group exists, by which people interested in these issues can stay informed and become involved in the effort if they choose to.

  People get involved and stay involved because they wish too.  Of course
it is true that aids to helping stakeholders/users to stay involved can be
provided, but that assistance is of limited use at best...

> That list is not comprehensive but I think it hits all the main aspects of what has been discussed on the list. I can't provide a sample of any of the items because we haven't actually got that far yet. The upshot is "documents and recommendations" and organizations insofar as we carry out the plan to encourage national, local or interest-based groups to join our efforts.

  We need much more individual stakeholders/users rather than other
organizations to join our efforts.

> As for "inventions, software, brands", these may come about if members decide that icannatlarge.org has need of them but they're not the aims of the group. As for "bake sales, bake-offs", being literal-minded I'd say bake-sales are better for local fundraising than international Internet-based activities ... unless you're talking about virtual cakes and cybercookies, and I think there are better ways even then.

  ROFLMO!  Nicely done here although hardly productive... >;)

> Regards,
> Judyth
> ##########################################################
> Judyth Mermelstein     "cogito ergo lego ergo cogito..."
> Montreal, QC           <espresso@e-scape.net>
> ##########################################################
> "A word to the wise is sufficient. For others, use more."
> ##########################################################

Jeffrey A. Williams
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