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[atlarge-discuss] privatiz[e]

Re: http://www.icann.org/general/status-report-08jan03.htm#B
.... Importantly, the MOU reflects the continuing policy goal of the DOC
to  ***"privatiz[e] the technical management of the DNS in a manner that
promotes stability and security, competition, coordination, and
representation."  *** ...
" Within the faith of the Reaganuats and Thatcherites (Bush & Blair),
China is now in the cross-hairs of the World Bank, the IMF, the Asian
Development Bank and the International Bank for Settlements.  It won't
be long now Billion Dollar Loans and Direct Foreign Investments will be
defaulted on, due to over-stocked inventories, excess production
capacity, and a fixed currency rate which will undermined the value of
the Yuan (de-valueuation ↓), deepening their ability to get right-side
up. Thereafter, you know the drill by now: fire-sale privatizations,
flexible labor markets (i.e. union demolition) and deficit reduction
through savage cuts in government services and social security.
You see, will give them IPv6, ...but we'll get it all back!  Its called
God Bless the United States