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[atlarge-discuss] the underlying drive of globalisation

"Globalisation is bigger than America. Indeed it’s leaving America behind.
A ragged and confused divorce was well under way before 11 September 2001.
Since 1989, the underlying globalisation process has begun to emancipate itself from a US hegemony that stemmed from the nature of the cold war, and the way it ended.
The 1990s were marked by the unusual, overwhelming domination of a single country. It drove forward the information stage of globalisation (which I will define more precisely later).
But the underlying drive of globalisation is to de-centre and share this out. (emphasis mine)
It may be true that it could not have arisen without US dominance and hegemony; however, the same nemesis is at work here as in all imperiums of the past – beneficiaries are ungrateful by definition. They always think they will benefit most by ceasing to depend, and becoming equals.
Globalisation has to emancipate itself from its initial American definition. "
Paul Rogers.

For the whole article, that focuses on the coming war but contains much relevant thought about out ICANN/DoC situation go to

