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Re: [atlarge-discuss] To RALO or not to RALO (was: Some Simple Facts...)


Thomas Roessler wrote:
 | I'm getting sick of hearing this kind of bullshit -- it's been the
 | same kind of high-sounding, but empty rhetorics for years.  All
 | you're achieving this way is to detract people from actual internet
 | governance questions.
You replied,  "No, what we're doing is giving them a legitimate venue in 
which to actual discus them."

I agree with Thomas.  Nothing pertaining to DNS policy has ever been 
discussed on this list and no one on the panel has demonstrated any degree of 
resolve to focus the membership on the DNS policy issues at hand.  

When Thomas writes:
 | Where's the message to ICANN (to the
 | DoC, to the EU commission, ...) saying that, on behalf of the
 | diverse membership of this organization, you have these and those
 | demands on, say WHOIS policy?

You reply, "It's coming" ...and then you spew out more bullshit reasons to 
justify your continued non-performance.  Well, I've got news for you...  the 
comment period for WHOIS policy is over and there is still no formal position 
paper from icannatlarge.  The comment period for transfers policy is over and 
there is no formal position paper from icannatlarge.

Next we will have the GNSO Names Council soliciting the constituencies over 
the course of the next six weeks for position papers on policy to govern the 
structuring of the namespace, and again we won't have any formal position 
paper from icannatlarge.

Exactly when is the leadership of this group planning to get something, 
anything, done that pertains to the DNS?  Frankly, if this at-large body 
can't or won't make any substantive contributions regarding the DNS issues at 
hand, then who the hell needs you?  

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