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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Olympic Hymn and my Intellectual Property Rights

Here is a public record copy of the British Olympic Association's Olympic Movement web
page to be found at: http://www.olympics.org.uk/olympicmovement/olympicmovement.asp



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      <div align="right" class="press_bodyLarge"> <span class="press_bodyLarge"><img
src="/Library/rightarrow.gif" width="6" height="10" align="absmiddle"
hspace="4"></span><a href="ancienthistory.asp">Ancient

        History</a> <span class="press_bodyLarge"><img src="/Library/rightarrow.gif"
width="6" height="10" align="absmiddle" hspace="4"></span><a

        History</a> <span class="press_bodyLarge"><img src="/Library/rightarrow.gif"
width="6" height="10" align="absmiddle" hspace="4"></span><a






      <div align="right"><span class="press_bodyLarge"><img
src="/Library/rightarrow.gif" width="6" height="10" align="absmiddle" hspace="4"><a

        Firsts</a><img src="/Library/rightarrow.gif" width="6" height="10"
align="absmiddle" hspace="4"><a href="/olympicmovement/datesandcities.asp">Dates

        &amp; Host Cities</a></span></div>




    <td class="press_body" valign="top"><span class="bigtitle">OLYMPIC CREED </span>

      <p><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><span
class="sub_heading"><img src="/Library/Coubertin.jpg" width="150" height="210"
align="right" alt="Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic
Games.">&quot;</span></font><span class="sub_heading">The

        most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part,

        just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.

        The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought

      <p class="boa_footer">The words of the Olympic creed are attributed to Baron

        Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic Games.</p>




    <td class="press_body" valign="top">

      <div align="left"><span class="bigtitle"><br>


        The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is the world body which administrates

        the Olympic Movement, with the head quarters based in Lausanne, Switzerland.

        The appointed members of the IOC, (from all over the world) are responsible

        for selecting the host cities of the Olympic Games, both Summer and Winter.

        The IOC also runs the many commercial, educational and developmental projects

        connected with the Olympic Movement. <br>


        <img src="/Library/rightarrow.gif" width="6" height="10" hspace="4"><a

        information on the IOC</a></b></div>




    <td class="press_body" valign="top">

      <div align="center"><img src="/Library/ioc2.gif" width="498" height="247"
align="middle" vspace="5" alt="IOC"></div>




    <td class="press_body">

      <div align="left"><span class="bigtitle">OLYMPIC MEDALS</span><br>

        The medals - gold, silver, and bronze - represent the highest levels of

        athletic achievement at the Games. The design of the medal varies with

        each Olympic Games and they are the responsibility of the host city's

        organizing committee. Olympic medals must be at least 60 millimeters in

        diameter and at least three millimeters thick. Gold and silver medals

        must be made of 92.5 percent pure silver; the gold medal must be gilded

        with at least six grams of gold. <br>





    <td class="press_body"><span class="bigtitle">OLYMPIC MOTTO<br>

      </span>The Olympic motto &quot;Citius, Altius, Fortius&quot; is Latin for

      &quot;Faster, Higher, Braver,&quot; but is universally accepted to mean

      &quot;Swifter, Higher, Stronger.&quot; <br>




    <td class="press_body"><span class="bigtitle">OLYMPIC OATH<br>

      </span><img src="/Library/Olympicoath.jpg" width="200" height="134" align="right"

      Olympic oath is a symbolic gesture of sportsmanship that traces its origins

      to the 1920 Olympic Games. One athlete from the host country takes the oath

      at Opening Ceremonies on behalf of all the athletes.

      <p><b>Oath: &quot;In the name of all competitors, I promise that we shall

        take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules

        which govern them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory

        of sport and the honor of our teams.&quot; </b><br>





    <td class="press_body"><span class="bigtitle">OLYMPIC HYMN</span><br>

      The Olympic Hymn is played when the Olympic Flag is raised. The music was

      composed by Spirou Samara. The words were added by Costic of Greece in 1896.</td>



    <td class="press_body">

      <hr noshade width="200">

      <div align="center"><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><i><font

        Ancient immortal spirit, pure father<br>

        Of the beautiful, the great and the true,<br>

        Descend, appear, and emblaze this place<br>

        With the glory of your own earth and sky.</b></font></i></font> </div>

      <p align="center"><b><font size="3"><i><font face="Times New Roman, Times,

        the race, the grappling, and the toss,<br>

        Kindle the impulse in all noble contests,<br>

        Crown with the perennial wreath,<br>

        And fashion the steely and worthy body.</font></i></font></b></p>

      <p align="center"><b><font size="3"><i><font face="Times New Roman, Times,

        mountains, and seas glow in your presence<br>

        Like some great clear porphyrous shrine,<br>

        And every nation hurries here to your temple<br>

        In supplication, ancient immortal spirit.</font></i></font></b><font
size="3"><b><i><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><br>


      <hr width="200" noshade>




    <td class="press_body"><span class="bigtitle">THE OLYMPIC RINGS </span> <br>

      The Olympic Rings are the one symbol that is now synonymous with the Olympic

      Games. Designed in 1913 by Pierre de Coubertin, they symbolise the five

      continents of Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania. No one colour

      represents any one continent. However, the colours are significant in that

      every country who is part of the Olympic Family has one of these colours,

      including the white background, in their national flag.

      <p>The Olympic Rings are seen as the most potent of all global marketing

        symbols. In a survey conducted by Sponsorship Research International,

        in 1996, 78% of the world's population recognised the Olympic Rings and

        their significance to the Olympic Movement. This percentage topped the

        listing ahead of the symbols of Shell, McDonalds, Mercedes and the Red






    <td class="press_body"><span class="bigtitle">OLYMPIC TORCH &amp; FLAME</span><br>


      <img src="/Library/LightingofOlympicFlame.jpg" width="150" height="213"
align="right" hspace="4">One

      of the most enduring symbols of the Olympic Games is the Olympic flame.

      The flame made its first appearance at the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games and

      since then the lighting of the flame has become a major focal point of every

      Opening Ceremonies. The concept of lighting a flame for the duration of

      the Games comes from the ancient Greeks, who used a flame lit by the sun's

      rays at Olympia - the site of the original Olympic Games, .<br>






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