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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Re: [atlarge-panel] PROPOSAL: that anelection is called for a new Panel

At 21:40 -0800 2003/02/08, Jeff Williams wrote:
>  Polls are a useful toll if used well and honestly.  They are or can
>also >be a divisive instrument to sway opinion in a direction that is
>other than
>honest as well.  Erco, they can be used a s two edged sword.

Thus far, I agree completely.

>for a reasonable chance for any poll to be a useful tool such polls
>be conducted by and totally independent professional polling

Much depends on whether one conducts a poll to determine what people
already think, or develops a sequence of questions to lead respondents
in a particular direction ... something which some commercial polling
enterprises do all the time at the behest of their clients.

If we follow the proposal to
- allow any member to suggest questions
- make sure all members have the opportunity to respond
- make sure we collect and compile all the answers impartially
- publish the results for interpretation by everyone so that
  any biases can be detected and discussed
- go back to the membership periodically to update or refine
  our understanding of what they're really saying,
then I think even amateur polls can be useful. Transparency
is everything in our case -- an issue commercial pollsters
and market research people don't even think about.

>However such polls cost $$, which ICANNATLARGE.ORG has almost
>none of, if any at all.  Here enlies one of or most central and endemic
>problems, FUNDING and a FUNDING method /plan...

At some future time, this organization may decide it needs to
pay MediaMetrix or Gallup or somebody a large sum to conduct
worldwide, statistically-significant polling of Internet users.
If it does, no doubt it will raise the money to do so.

Until then, it's as well to remember that the very best and
most reliable polling results are obtained when all eligible
voters cast their votes, and that costs a lot less.



Judyth Mermelstein     "cogito ergo lego ergo cogito..."
Montreal, QC           <espresso@e-scape.net>
"A word to the wise is sufficient. For others, use more."
"Un mot suffit aux sages; pour les autres, il en faut plus."

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