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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Reimbursement of ALAC Expenses

At 02:08 a.m. 21/02/2003, Vittorio Bertola wrote:
On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 23:42:56 +1300, you wrote:

>At 08:45 p.m. 20/02/2003, Vittorio Bertola wrote:
>>We have just released the announcement of our NomCom appointments (see
>>other post) and we will shortly release some policy statements, which
>>was very hard to do, given that we exist since less than a month ago.
>>So we'd like to get feedback on them too.
>Yes, I just received the rejection letter from your ALAC.

I am sorry about that, but we had more than 60 candidates. It was very
hard to choose.

>BTW, what will you do with our feedback on your policy statements?

Try to understand whether what we are saying is the right thing for
users or not. In the future, we expect to have established mechanisms
for policy discussion and more time to put them in practice, so that
we can actually consult the community before speaking. But now we had
to write, for example, a statement on WHOIS in less than one week and
while at the same time finalizing the appointments, so there wasn't
much time for this. Nonetheless I think that we exposed some points
that have often been made on this list, the GA list, and other forums
by many individual users.
Dear Vittorio,

Would you and the other ALAC NomCom members mind to be formally "approved for the interim", pending membership wide elections in 6 months?

Or Non-approved, as the case may be?


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