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RE: [atlarge-discuss] "Out of Pocket"/Election status

> -----Original Message-----
> From: espresso@e-scape.net 
> At 11:28 -0800 2003/03/08, Jan Siren wrote:
> >But on a more serious note:
> >[Judyth take note]  The prospect of sending out 550+ messages isn't
> >really more appealing nor practical than sending out 1100+, from my
> point of view.
> >I volunteered to *watch* a vote, not *conduct* one.  So I do 
> hope that your first scenario plays out as you suggest.

I can volunteer server/mail space that y'all can control if needed.
It'll have to be on one of my existing domains, but the best option
is to use the atlarge.org server so emails come from that domain.
All you'd need is access to that server's email system and then use
your own email program to send.

I understand that you volunterred to "watch", but right now I'm not
sure who would be trusted to send. 


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