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[atlarge-discuss] Summary result of mailing list comparison

This is an update on my comparison of the two parallel icannatlarge 
membership lists, begun a week ago.  As I mentioned, I compared the 
icannatlarge.com membership list ("Joop's list"), which in the form made 
available to me contained name/location items, and was nominally 
chronological (but containing no address nor date fields), and the 
icannatlarge.org mailing list, ("Vittorio's list") containing name/address 
items (but no location nor date fields), also nominally chronological.  I had 
thought that each list lacked a significant number of entries that the other 
contained.  I have gone through both lists and have determined that 
out-of-order entries account for nearly all the discrepancies, apart from the 
previously-mentioned 30 at the end of Vittorio's list that Joop's list didn't 
have.  As closely as I can determine, Joop's list has 4 legitimate entries 
that Vittorio's does not, conversely 8 legitimate entries that Vittorio's has 
that Joop's does not.  So my best estimate for the aggregate of all entries 
from both lists, if such a master list were created, would be about 1076.

I am unable to to the aggregation (name, location, address) except for those 
entries common to both lists.  Nor, as previously mentioned, do I have the 
resources to do so.  For completeness, the master list should contain also, 
for each entry, the date of origination and the willingness of the person 
named to contribute financially (which Joop's list has).

This will be my last posting until the end of the week because of business 

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