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[atlarge-discuss] Jefsey - I nominate Enza Anderson for ICANN@Large Panel

Jefsey - in a prior post you mentioned there was still time to get enza on
the panel.  So I nominate her to the post and ask for a seconder.

For some info on enza see ..


or if you use the retarded U.S. roots go here


Those of you who know me and love me ane even those who know me and
hate me all know that in things icannish I have not been wrong.  I feel
comfortable in having enza represent me and those of you who would support
me are assurred of my confidence in her abilities.

Enza as far as things dns or icann are concerned is a virgin but she's a
dynamo in pumps and it won't take her long to master the greasy poll that
is icann.

respectfully submitted
joe baptista

Joe Baptista - only at www.baptista.god
Administrator to .GOD & .SATAN

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