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Re: [atlarge-discuss] ELECTION REPORT

Richard Henderson wrote:

I think the concerns you have been expressing, Sotiris, reflect Joop's call
for an electoral commission to oversee further elections. I request that the
whole membership is polled shortly after these election results, to verify,
endorse, or re-define the outcomes of this election.


Richard, if Jefsey does not produce the code for his "program" this "election" will be null and void. I will not abide by any results produced under the current absurdity Jefsey has attempted to pass off as a process. I am simply amazed that the loudmouths who were so vehemently set against Joop's Polling Booth are not now screaming bloody murder!! Of course, this invalidates their objections to using Joop's polling booth in future, which is a positive thing IMO. But, this doesn't change the FACT that the current "election" process makes absolutely no sense and is completely obscure and highly questionable (if not downright fraudulent!).

The onus is now on Jefsey. It's his move.
I am ready to decline my candidacy and call for a new election. I suspect there will support for such a move.

--Sotiris Sotiropoulos

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