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Re: [atlarge-discuss] PANEL ELECTION - DAILY STATUS

J-F C. (Jefsey) Morfin wrote:


1. I did not receive any apologies from SS yet. Still waiting.

Why would I apologize to you for anything?! You are a fraud. You should be apologizing to the entire membership for trying to swindle them shamelessly. But, as you can see, you're not going to get away with it.

2. among the reasons why I do not release the wtach.c program
apart the chidish erucations of SS are:

The only one being childish is you, because you think you're actually fooling people. You are not, you are only "foolin" yourself. It has become quite clear to many people now that you are a fraud and a liar.

- this program has by nature of the voting system we adopted
absolutely NO influence of the election

LOL!!!  You are also a comedian!

- this program is of personal use and uses copyrighted functions
of a library I do not want to give away.

Oh yeah right. Another twist to the story... did I mention you're full of skata?

SS & co already costed
me a customer, this joke starts being costing too much.

The only joke here is you, and the people who led you to make a fool of yourself are the only ones laughing! Enjoy it you lackey.

- it is only of interest to the watchdogs interested in studying
the data I send them.

There are no watchdogs, you are a boldfaced liar and a proven fraud.

- I happen to send data to the watchogs and to report it.
Other Panel Members can also do it the way they want.
I have absolutely no control on the received ballots. I just
keep you informed. I should not do it :-)

You should not do it? Do what? Keep us informed?!?!?! LOL! Like I said, you are also a comedian.

- due to the load imposed in particular by SS I rushed the
use of the reporting part with a bug in it, hence the erroneous
initial report.

Bugs, rewrites, errors, and a fraud "Claude"... you're full of shit.

- I will release the program as I commited on Sunday,
when I had time to rewrite the copyrighted functions. I note
that the uproar is not because I do not release it (what is
the case for Joop's code) but because I released it to the
watchdogs and to pros, and not to those who insult me

Yeah right! You didn't release anything to anyone and I certainly don't trust Abel Wisman any more than I trust you. I suspect he's in on the sham with you, along with Ron Sherwood and Hugh Blair to name a couple. They are the same "good souls" who were loudest in rejecting Joop's Polling Booth... and in favour of what exactly? The Jefsey Fraud Non-Process?!?!? You don't hear a peep out the hypocrites now though do you?!

I would like someone of common sense to make some of you
to understand how fool they look at fighting non existing issues.

The only non-exisiting issue is this so-called "election"! It's a sham, a fake, a swindle, a lie, a fraud. Just like you "Claude", or is it Jefsey?

Should I stop caring about this election right now ... this would
change NOTHING. The Polling Committee would close them
on Sunday 00:00, would filter the data as requested by the
watchdogs and all of you would find and inspect the results
as we will all do on Sunday.

This "election" is already over because it is a FRAUD. It will still be a FRAUD on Sunday no matter what you present.

--Sotiris Sotiropoulos

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