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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Bylaws Discussion

Jeff Holt wrote:


Good start, at first glance I would only make one edit, that of adding
another "Standing Committee" under the title of Membership Committee.

I agree with that addition.

Additional criticism will wait for more careful reading offline, but
this is a step forward....

Thanks for taking that step Danny.


"The science of jurisprudence regards the state and power as the
ancients regarded fire- namely, as something existing absolutely.
But for history, the state and power are merely phenomena, just as for
modern physics fire is not an element but a phenomenon.

From this fundamental difference between the view held by history
and that held by jurisprudence, it follows that jurisprudence can tell
minutely how in its opinion power should be constituted and what
power- existing immutably outside time- is, but to history's questions
about the meaning of the mutations of power in time it can answer
				     --Leo Tolstoy, "War and Peace"

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