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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Membership fees

On 20:02 02/06/03, DannyYounger@cs.com said:

ACM, CDT, and others send the representatives to meetings worldwide.  When
they speak, others listen.

Do Kathy Kleiman or Alan Davidson have to pay their own way to attend such
events? Of course not, the organization pays -- that's one of the primary
reasons for having an organization, so that you can field lobbyists.

Or do prefer an organization that is substantially more impotent and that can
never send its representatives anywhere?
Your own view of this organization. Not mine. Others have still others views as the vote shows it. I do not want represenatives for it. I want representatives for many organizations united by it. I do not say that you are wrong, but why not to start your own SME constituency as you proposed and show us the lead with a real example? Itis probably far easier to make SMEs moving around the world with similar business interests, than individuals with hudnred different motivations.

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