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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Michael Sherrill Phone Call to:Re: [atlarge-discuss] Me...

Re:  "But I got you on tape fella!"

Jeff, please be advised that U.S. Federal statutes provide criminal penalties 
for unlawful interception of telephone conversations, including up to five 
years' imprisonment or a maximum of $10,000 in fines.

Calls that cross state lines are admittedly complicated legal issues 
especially when one state is a one party consent state (such as Texas) and the other 
state is an all party consent state (such as California),  but since the call 
went across a state line, the federal laws would certainly apply.  Surely you 
recall the indictment of Linda Tripp on such charges -- she recorded the 
telephone conversations of Monica Lewinski concerning her relationship with 
President Clinton (and did not have the consent of the party being recorded).  

Personally, I think your practice of recording other peoples telephone calls 
to you without their knowledge and consent is repugnant.

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