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Re: [atlarge-discuss] RE: Provisional Membership Committee

I smell a rat.

Jeff Holt <jefftttt@txucom.net> wrote:
Provisional Membership Committee & Panelists-elect;

The question of Jeffrey A. Williams being a real individual is now
settled in the affirmative. Today I have met and had lunch with Mr.
Williams, viewed several legitimate documents including TDL, military
id, court documents, and both utility and phone bill statements
addressed to his Frisco P.O. Box. I found Mr. Williams a pleasant
conversationalist, well informed and almost as opinionated as myself. I
trust there will be no further libels regarding his person or mine. As
soon as the roll of film is developed, I will post a picture of us
shaking hands on my Website and provide the appropriate URL for viewing;
unfortunately I don't own a digital camera. I will take the film to a
one-hour processor on Monday, so enough already.


Jeff Holt

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Holt [mailto:jefftttt@txucom.net] 
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 12:41 AM
To: 'Jeff Williams'; 'Joey Borda **star*walker**'
Cc: 'Joop Teernstra'; 'Kristen Doyle'; 'Martha Gottlieb'; 'Joanna Lane';
'A/S Mauro D. Rmos'; 'Micheal Sherrill'; 'Ron Sherwood'; 'Sotiris
Sotiropoulos'; 'Abel Wisman'; 'arebenti@web.de'; 'dan@tobias.name';
'daniel@chirita.org'; 'gilbert.lumantao@lycos.com';
'goldstein_david@yahoo.com.au'; 'hblair@hotfootmail.com';
'ivonnemunoz@arachnis.net'; 'mail@sebastianklein.de'; 'atlarge discuss
Subject: RE: Provisional Membership Committee

Panelists-elect and PMC members, INCLUDING (for the time being) Jeff

Enough already.... SS is not the "Lord of Verification" any more than
Ron Sherwood was the "Chair" or "Moderator" for the combined effort last
weekend. There is still considerable doubt as to Sebastian Klein in
many of the minds working on the "Provisional" membership Committee, but
that is moot for now.

The Panel-elect has some serious considerations before it and needs to
focus on creating an atmosphere of trust and solidarity, even with
differences between individuals on some topics. I completely agree with
Joe and Joanna, time to remove the "Provisional", concentrate on
structuring a set of Officers for the Organization to work toward in a
formal election, and determine a verifiable means of holding an election
for said Officers.

Polling has its place, but at this time I do not see it as being the
end-all for valid elections. From reading the Motions before the panel
now, it is clear that there is need for additional clarity in
formulating the wording for Motions and simple goals stated in plain
English, pardon the expression.

Jeff Williams, if you would like to settle the matter of your identity
once and for all, I can meet with you somewhere in the DFW area east of
the Loop preferably since I will be driving up I-45 in all probability.
If this cannot be arranged, I am afraid your identity will forever be a
huge question in everyone's mind, including my own, since I am making it
as convenient as possible.

As for Claude, his reticence is difficult for me to understand as well,
but has no bearing now or on the future unless he plans to run for
Office at some time, in which case he will definitely be subject to full
verification, as will ALL future candidates for ANY office.


Jeff Holt

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Williams [mailto:jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 11:09 PM
To: Joey Borda **star*walker**
Cc: Joop Teernstra; Kristen Doyle; Martha Gottlieb; Jeff Holt; Joanna
Lane; A/S Mauro D. Rmos; Micheal Sherrill; Ron Sherwood; Sotiris
Sotiropoulos; Abel Wisman; arebenti@web.de; dan@tobias.name;
daniel@chirita.org; gilbert.lumantao@lycos.com;
goldstein_david@yahoo.com.au; hblair@hotfootmail.com;
ivonnemunoz@arachnis.net; mail@sebastianklein.de; atlarge discuss list
Subject: Re: Provisional Membership Committee

Joey and all fellow members,

Please take me off of your CC list in the future as according
to Sotiris I do not actually exist or in his convoluted mind
I am a not whom and what I say I am. Hence I am NOT
"Verified" in Lord Sotiris's court of jesters...

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Larry Fuss 
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