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[FYI] Napster und Metallica beim US Senat


Napster CEO, Others to Testify on Digital Music
By Sue Zeidler
Monday, July 10, 2000; 3:41 PM 

The digital music debate moves to Congress Tuesday 
as the head of Napster Inc. and other online music 
executives testify about music downloading and its 
impact on the recording industry. 

Napster Chief Executive Officer Hank Barry was not 
immediately available to comment, but a Napster 
spokeswoman confirmed he was planning to testify.

Michael Robertson, chief executive officer of online 
music provider MP3.com Inc., also will be among 
those who testify in front of the U.S. Senate Judiciary 

"An ongoing dialogue with people in Washington, D.C., 
who are interested and concerned about the future of 
digital music led to our invitation to the Senate 
committee hearing," said a spokesman for online music 
provider MP3.com Inc.

Both Napster and MP3.com have been sued for copyright 
infringement by the recording industry.

Napster recently hired top gun lawyer David Boies, lead 
attorney for Justice Department in the Microsoft case, to 
represent it in the high-profile lawsuit.


Kristian Köhntopp, NetUSE AG Siemenswall, D-24107 Kiel
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