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Re: [FYI] Justice Department proposal classifies most computer crimes as acts of terrorism

>Hackers, virus-writers and web site defacers would face life
>imprisonment without the possibility of parole under legisla-
>tion proposed by the Bush Administration that would classify
>most computer crimes as acts of terrorism.

Also keinen Urlaub mehr dort.

>would expand the government's legal powers to conduct electro-
>nic surveillance, access business records, and detain suspec-
>ted terrorists. [..]

Wirtschaftsspionage jetzt!

>DNA samples would be collected from hackers upon conviction,

Herr Bush schaut eindeutig zuviel Speculative Fiction Filme.

>Überwachung von Telekommunikation und Internet vor. Die Er-
>mittler sollen künftig auch ohne Zustimmung eines Richters
>Telefone oder E-Mail-Account anzapfen dürfen. Die Gesetzes-

Das sind ja richtig deutsche Verhältnisse.