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aus dem Land der grenzenlosen Freiheit...

Offenbar will die US-Regierung jetzt den Internetzugang an Schulen
"clean" machen. Weiss jemand, was welche Loesung mit "crude blocking
software" hier konkret gemeint ist (s.u.)?
Ich hoere schon die Kultusministerkonferenz beratschlagen...

> Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 19:33:48 +0200 (MET DST)
> From: Frerk Meyer <frerk@educat.hu-berlin.de>
> To: SchulWeb Mailing-Liste <www-schulen@educat.hu-berlin.de>
> Subject: USA Schulen sollen zur Internetzensur verpflichtet werden
> Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.980718192926.10091A-100000@mahagoni>
> Die Electronic Frontier Foundation hat den DES Schluessel mit 56-Bit
> in drei Tagen mit einem eigenen Rechner fuer 250000$ geknackt. Anlaesslich
> dieses Durchbruchs wird die Blue Ribbon Campaign von 1995 neu aufgelegt.
> Alle Websites koennen sich am Schutz der Freiheit im Internet beteiligen.
> Aus diesem Anlass wird auf einen Gesetzentwurf in den USA hingewiesen, der
> Filtersoftware fuer Internetanschluesse von Schulen verpflichtend macht,
> und die zu blockierenden Informationen von zentralen Regierungsstellen
> vorgeben laesst.
> Aus:
> http://www.eff.org/blueribbon/relaunch_br_pr_061598.html
> The Internet School Filtering Act (S. 1619) sponsored by Senator John
> McCain (R-AZ) would require libraries
> and schools receiving federal funds for Internet access to install
> blocking software to restrict access to
> material that is "inappropriate for minors." This creates a new category
> of restriction with no legal basis that
> would be inclusive of material that is protected by the First Amendment
> even for minors.
> "The McCain filtering bill would rob local libraries, schools, and
> ultimately parents of the authority to decide for
> themselves what are appropriate uses of the Internet and would force them
> to install crude blocking software,"
> Steinhardt said. "All too often, material about topics ranging from the
> prevention of sexually-transmitted
> diseases, to women's rights, to current news stories about political sex
> scandals is likely to be blocked. Even
> religious groups such as the Society of Friends (Quaker religion) and
> mainstream organizations like the
> American Association of University Women have been blocked. Last week we
> learned that even conservative
> groups like the American Family Association have been blacklisted by these
> imperfect tools, which are
> already being installed in libraries and schools today," Steinhardt
> concluded.
> Beginning with the original Blue Ribbon Campaign against the CDA, hundreds
> of thousands of World Wide
> Web sites all over the world have chosen to display the Blue Ribbon on
> their pages and link to EFF Web
> pages containing information about censorship legislation and free speech
> on the Internet. The Blue Ribbon
> page became the fourth most-linked-to site on the Internet and has been
> accessed millions of times ­ peaking
> at over a million "hits" per day when President Clinton signed the
> ill-fated CDA into law. There are over
> 170,000 sites that carry the Blue Ribbon today.
> --
> Dipl.-Inform. Frerk Meyer            http://www.educat.hu-berlin.de/~frerk/
> Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany Department of Computers in Education
> Founder of SchulWeb, Germany         http://www.schulweb.de/
> PGP KeyID=45249D1D, Fingerprint:     9612BC262EC8E9C3 5D29C2657DABB9AC

Till Kinstler                           till@gg15c1.phil.uni-sb.de
http://www.phil.uni-sb.de/~till/        till@phil.uni-sb.de
student of information science          tiki@stud.uni-sb.de
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