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[FYI] USA: Die Internet-Hasser

[Von Zeit zu Zeit aeussert sich in den USA lautstark eine aus dem
Schlapphut-Milieu stammende Gegenfront zur wuchernden unregulierten
Informationsverbreitung via Internet  --AHH]


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15 February 1999. Thanks to D.
Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/dotmil/arkin.htm

The Washington Post, February 15, 1999 

The Pentagon and the Web: Round Two 

By William M. Arkin
Special to washingtonpost.com 

"I think that our government is hemorrhaging in a way that I have
never seen in my lifetime," CIA director George Tenet told Congress
February 2 in an unusually emotional appeal regarding the state of
official secrecy. 

Tenet mostly pointed fingers at people in the executive branch, who he
said were probably responsible for 80 percent of what appears in the
news media. 

Lt. Gen. Patrick Hughes, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency,
who was testifying alongside Tenet chose a different culprit. His
focus was not the Washington sport of peddling secrets for influence
(after all, DIA has always been notorious for successfully keeping its
thousands of employees in a protected bubble). 

Hughes instead point at the Web: "We seem now to have erred on the
side of making so much information available that some of it has been
damaging to our governmental collective effort." 

I suspect the very dynamism and anarchy of the web is at the heart of
the new found military discomfort. A network that was once the
military's own not only has been fully appropriated. But it shifts and
changes by the minute, moving at a speed that exceeds anything that
the weapon's makers can produce. 


Arkin can be reached for comment at william_arkin@washingtonpost.com. 

c Copyright 1999 The Washington Post Company

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