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[ICANN-EU] ICANN report on proposed new TLDs

Dear all, 

the ICANN review of the 44 TLD applications 
(by outside advisors) is now online at

I have prepared a simplified thumbs-up-or-not chart at
Click on the symbols to read the relevant passages
of the report.

A first glance:
The ICANN report advises against all .tel-style domains 
(mainly because ITU sees them as premature) and .kids 
domains, and also some 'bigger' applicants get bad reviews,
among them Nokia and the Universal Postal Union (.post).
It seems that the non-commercial ones (.union, .museum,
.health) generally get good marks. 

There still are a number of applications for .com clones
(it seems to lead to .biz) and a TLD for personal purposes
(.nom/.per/.i). The ICANN report is almost enthusiastic
about the .geo proposal by SRI.

ICANN has drawn up the following categories:

1. General-Purpose TLDs
   a. General (.biz, .web etc.)
   b. Personal (.nom etc.)
   c. Restricted Content (.kids, xxx)
   d. Restricted Commercial Group (.fin, .law, .pro etc.)
2. Special-Purpose TLDs (.union, .museum, .air etc.)
3. New Services TLDs (.tel, .pid, .geo etc.)

I would hardly be a surprise if one or two TLDs from 
each category would be picked for the initial set.

Best regards,
/// Alexander

  ICANN Channel              http://www.icannchannel.de