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             Announcement -- Please Forward


                  ICANN MEMBERS' FORUM
                  Sunday, November 12, 8 AM
       Marina Beach Marriott Hotel, Marina del Rey                        


This forum will bring together ICANN members and newly-elected Directors in
a process of self-organization.  Currently the At Large Membership consists
of some 158,000 anonymous individuals and 5 elected At Large Directors.
Recognized leaders from among the members will work together to create a
more enduring organization that gives members a voice in ICANN.

The Forum program will consist of four parts:

I. Meet the New Directors
Newly-elected At Large Directors will speak on their vision of the At Large
membership and how they will maintain a connection with the users that
elected them.  Speakers are:
 Karl Auerbach (North America)
 Masanobu Katoh (Asia-Pacific) (invited)
 Ivan Moura Campos (Latin America)
 Andy Mueller-Maguhn (Europe)
 Nii Quaynor (Africa)

II.  Emerging Models for Organization
Different regions are developing different ways of connecting members and
directors.  The European and N. American regions have organized largely
around civil society themes and are developing open and fluid coordinating
mechanisms.   Asia-Pacific may have prioritized business interests.  Africa
and Latin America have organized around technical communities that
emphasize expertise, developing country access issues, and small-business

Any organizational model must include three functions:
 * unifying the members
 * ability to analyze and speak publicly on issues
 * ability to provide input and feedback to the Board

This session may be the most important of the meeting.  Speakers here will
review emerging organizational models and analyze their suitability for
ensuring a continued presence for Internet users. 

III.  Current Issues for the At Large Membership
Speakers in this session will address specific topics, which may include: 
 * preliminary election evaluation
 * the future of the At Large Membership
 * UDRP review
 * review of the ICANN structure
 * mechanisms for electronic meetings of Members
 * funding of the At Large membership
 * status of the membership data

IV. Working Groups
Ad hoc working groups may be organized before or after the Forum.

There will be panel presentations and discussions.  The hall will seat up
to 250 people. The meeting is expected to run from 8 AM until 12:30 PM.
Some working groups may continue later.

The final product will be decided by the participants.  One possible
product is the definition of a Membership Advisory Council that could be a
voice for ICANN members and that could provide advice to the Board.  A less
ambitious product might be to define a process to propose a formal users
organization.  Or the Forum may simply promote better understanding.
Different regions may support different approaches.

The widest number of organizations are invited to co-sponsor this event.
Initial sponsors are the Civil  Society Internet Forum (CSIF) and the
Internet Democracy Project (IDP).

The Program Committee includes directors-elect, recent Board nominees,
representatives of user organizations, and leading individuals from all
five ICANN regions.  In alphabetical order:

 Karl Auerbach (director-elect, North America)
 Johannes Chiang (nominee, Asia-Pacific)
 Vittorio Bertola (candidate, Europe)
 Pierre Dandjinou (Membership Impl Task Force, Africa)
 Raul Echeberria (nominee, Latin America)
 Kimberly Heitman (Electr Frontiers Austr., Asia-Pacific)
 Jeanette Hofmann (nominee, Europe)
 Hans Klein (CPSR/Georgia Tech, North America)
 Wolfgang Kleinwaechter (University of Aarhus, Europe)
 Alan Levin (nominee, Africa)
 Yukika Matsumoto (candidate, Asia-Pacific)
 Andy Mueller-Maguhn (director-elect, Europe)
 Thomas Roessler (FITUG, Europe)
 Barbara Simons (nominee, North America)
 Emerson Tiller (nominee, North America)

The facilitator of this event is the Civil Society Democracy Project of
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility(www.CivSoc.org).  This web
page announcement is hosted on the CPSR site temporarily.

Note: This event is organized independently of the staff of the Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).  The Forum is intended
to be a bottom-up, self-organizing activity of the At Large Membership.

Email: hklein@cpsr.org
