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[atlarge-discuss] Doubts about Draft Announce Document

Hello Joanna, hello fellow At-Largers,

I have now read the text that I was asked to translate (and
I'm almost through with translating), but I have more and 
more doubts about where this endeavour is headed.

At the beginning, icannatlarge.com was a way for individual
Internet users to sign up and tell ICANN: We are interested
in (a) having a voice in ICANN, (b) self-organizing us and
(c) contribute partly to funding this effort.

In Joanna's document, we have a worldwide organisation of
all Internet users which wants to deal with all Internet-
related issues and isn't even sure whether it wants to 
participate in ICANN.

To me, this looks like an expansionist, gigantic organization
with a blurry vision; I must say that I'm very skeptical about 
this approach and I think it is not what people signed up 
for in the beginning. Of course, the elected Steering Committee 
will be free to agree on a Mission Statement which says what the 
organization's aims are, and I thought Jamie and Joanna had
just said that they want to leave that Mission Statement to
the incoming Steering Committee. But frankly, these election 
documents already contain a number of statements about the
mission of this organization. 

Could we restrict the election documents to uncontroversial
statements on the procedure of election? Otherwise, the
members must have an opportunity to debate the statements
of icannatlarge.com aims contained in the Announce

Best regards,
/// Alexander 

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