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Re: [atlarge-discuss] 12 Zombi'es on this discussion group

Well, we have the irony of someone using an alias pointing out there is an possibility that some people are voting more than once, using fictitious names. I think this something that bears some discussion, because it goes to the legimatacy of the group as a whole....

A good project would be an audit of the election results, to see what happened. I believe the CIRA does something like this now. With a few hundred voters, many of them well known, this seems like a manageable task.

Also, I think we should discuss whether or not to permit members to use an alias, or to require real names.


Brian Mulroney wrote:
People, this is so sad.

Look at the bottom of the results. 12 people voted for Bob Crawford.

12 Cordley Coit (North America)
12 Bob Crawford (North America)

Bob Crawford who never submitted a candidate statement.

Bob Crawford, who has never made a post except for his self-nomination (He was seconded by Jeff Williams :
http://www.fitug.de/atlarge-discuss/0207/msg00317.html )

Therefore, I think we have discovered that Jeff Williams has 12 Alias's on this list and on the ICANNatLarge membership. You do the math - who would vote for a person who has never been heard from? I submit that Jeff Williams has voted for himself by voting for Bob Crawford 12 times.

Let's just thank GOD that Jeff Williams was not nominated for this election.

"Jeff Williams" wrote:

  Huh???  I don't know Bob Crawford personally.  I don't recall
providing him any help as you put it here Danny.

Here's the link where Jeff heartily endorsed Bob:


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