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Re: [atlarge-discuss] 12 Zombi'es on this discussion group

On Tue, 06 Aug 2002 10:23:33 -0400, "Brian Mulroney"
<brianthetaxman@hotmail.com> wrote:

>People, this is so sad.
>Look at the bottom of the results.  12 people voted for Bob Crawford.
>     12 Cordley Coit         (North America)
>     12 Bob Crawford         (North America)
>Therefore, I think we have discovered that Jeff Williams has 12 Alias's on 
>this list and on the ICANNatLarge membership.  You do the math - who would 
>vote for a person who has never been heard from?  I submit that Jeff 
>Williams has voted for himself by voting for Bob Crawford 12 times.

May be 11 would-be members of INEGroup?
But you can easily check at elections' page that 2 voted only for BC, 1
for BC and 10 other candidates from North America, 1 for BC and other 5
candidates form North America and the others for a various mix of
This voting system allows everyone to make a first check. Combined with
the watchdogs' work, it's a good argument in favor of the fairness of
these elections.

Eric is right:
>Let us take the steps necessary to establish a recognized global electorate.


Giampaolo Bonora - bonora@nettuno.it

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