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Re: [atlarge-discuss] ALAC teleconference August 9, 2002 Notes

FWIW, I did not say that "dissenting opinions" should not be explicitly mentioned, but rather that, to make these things palatable, that *both sides* of such issues should be cited and described as issues yet to be decided.


At 10:10 AM 8/15/2002, Sotiris Sotiropoulos wrote:
Judith Oppenheimer wrote:

> Sotiris, I'm unclear here: what was your position (given you are ID'ed
> below as repping icannatlarge.com)?

Judith et al.,

I consider myself more of an ALOC/ALAC observer, as opposed to a representative
with a mandate from the icannatlarge.com membership. IMO none of the
summarized proposals is really very acceptable. But, given a choice among
evils, of the four possible schemas discussed (and considering that direct
elections appear to be out of the question for the BoD or the ALAC at this
time), I think Izumi Aizu's approach towards combining regional and issue-based
organizations (i.e. the combination of proposal schemas 2 and 4) bears some
consideration and is preferrable to the other alternatives.

I should here mention that Esther Dyson was clear during the previous
teleconference that the current MoU was being scrapped... not sure what the DoC
has to say about that, but E. Dyson was pretty clear on that point.
Furthermore, it does seem as if 'elections' is not a term favoured of the ALAC
members proper. I have stated that the final report should mention the ALSC
study findings and the fact that the ALAC proposal(s) do not coincide with the
findings of that Board commissioned study. However, I'm not sure such an
addition will be made to any final draft, as E. Dyson mentioned that dissenting
opinions ought not be explicitly mentioned in the report, but rather that they
be characterised as issues that require further discussion and thereby glossed
over for the time being.


Sotiris Sotiropoulos

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