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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Who are They...

We were started, in part, due to ICANN's apparent attempt to abrogate the
global internet interests of all the people, for technical, business,
military and governmental interests.

ICANN's actions seem to continue to reflect this posture.

ICANN continues as a player.

Most of the general public are not aware of the current goings on.

For the general public, as they do become aware, knowledge of ICANN is

We are not very well known to the general public.

We would do well to be a recognized player.

As we become known to the general public (as ICANNAtLarge.org), it stands
to reason we will be thought of as an "arm" of ICANN, with all of ICANN's
associated baggage rightfully attributed to us.

I look forward to they who picked our name, helping me understand how we
are better off now, having picked a name that will immediately associate
us as an "organization" of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers, and not, as it could have been, as an independant internet
peoples organization.

I've always been big on first impressions...

On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Joey Borda **star*walker** wrote:

> Certainly "they" are directly or indirectly in the background of the
> brouhaha pointlessly raised regarding the use of "ICANN" in our
> organizational name.
   ...in the foreground and other than pointless

> Especially when the Joanna, and then the whole of the election
> trustees, proposed what was rightly perceived as anti-democratic! --
> the equivalent of a red cape in front of all us bulls.
   ...the coop farm pump was broke, as we, the pump fixing crew, were
fixing it we became aware of a pollution field that threatened the water
table. As we continued to fix the pump so as to meet our published time
table, we let the coop panel know that one of our potential pump fixing
solutions would minimize any polution field damage. While we wanted to
just do-it (we thought then, as we still do now, it was a good idea), we
understood it wasn't just our farm. It was not a red cape, and it
certainly was not anti-democratic.

 --- REgards, walts@dorsai.org Walter C. Schmidt, IT CPA  Blue(.) ---
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