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[atlarge-discuss] The Expiry of icannatlarge.org and a question for Hans

Jeff and all other interested parties -

I believe www.icannatlarge.org expired on Friday, after being put on hold
for six days.

I don't believe it was transferred. I believe Marc Schneiders simply
registered the name as soon as it became available, just before a couple of
other interested parties, I might add.

I don't believe Marc is in this for money at all (though that's his
choice) - he has a track record of opposition to Icann and coherent
criticism of their conduct. In short, it is far more likely that Marc has
acted out of conviction, than with the purpose of making a quick buck.

That said, only Marc himself really has the right to express his motives or
purposes - or, indeed, to remain silent.

The Registry whois shortly before the domain expired shares the pattern and
wording of other domains which I have watched go first to "On Hold" and then
to "Deletion". I have been tracking a number of domains in recent months and
some have followed this exact wording. It is usually only a matter of days
before the name is deleted, once this particular wording has been placed on
the registry whois.

I'm tracking a domain which is important to my plans, right now, which has
identical wording - and I expect it to be deleted at the start of next week.
I shall then attempt to get in first and register it.

This is exactly what Marc Schneiders did with www.icannatlarge.org, in my

Hans - addressing you as Chair - please could you offer some statement or
proposal as to how we should proceed, now that we know this name is no
longer under the control of Jefsey. As things stand, although there was a
vote for this name, it has not been offered to us for our use.

As of midnight tonight (though things may change) we have no name.


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