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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Time...

At 08:46 -0500 2002/11/12, Jaz-Michael King wrote:
>...TLD namespace in my opinion is a public resource, much like the >airwaves. Just like the airwaves, it costs money to keep together, 
>but I think there's room for a public TLD, much like reserved 
>frequencies for public access radio. It would be better of course 
>if all CC TlDs remained free to their respective citizens, and I 
>admit the cost of entry is low, but still, money is money.

Indeed it is, and what is low enough for a scraping-by North American can be an all-but-insuperable obstacle for somebody whose household's earnings are the equivalent of $30 U.S. per month. 

This group hasn't taken a position on that (or much else) yet but we did note a while back that any membership fee at all would be too high for many Internet users, while the costs of collecting a small fee (say $5.00) would probably outweigh the revenue.

>Also, where does this group stand on expanding TLDs to include anything 
>and everything, i.e. .bob, .car, .donkey... As a group is 
>iaccanatlarge.org for keeping the reins in on allowing only a select 
>few words approved by icann become tlds?

Again, thus far we are just an informal group of interested individuals who have not yet concocted a reasonable method for discussing these issues and reaching any kind of decision.

>Just trying to get a handle on what (if) I'm becoming part of.

I think "a chaos of good intentions" covers most of it at this point.

>Also, the web site is full of broken links and various papers and 
>quotes that cannot be distiunguished from what the org has produced 
>over what's been taken and pasted up there. Who is responsible for 
>the site? 

Our new Webmaster is apparently working on this -- with or without the guidance of our Web Working Group and/or our Interim Panel I do not know.

>More iimportantly, the Charter is linked to non-existent forums, where 
>is this Charter? I would very much like to see what it is the org is >Chartered to do.

So would we! but our Charter is a work-in-progress whose progress has been hampered by various factors including a recent hack-attack which killed the forums. 

If you can stand the analogy, we're in the position of a construction crew trying to lay a foundation for a building whose plans have not been drawn up yet and whose measurements are unknown. On the other hand, pioneers are always in that situation and sometimes they manage to do the job anyhow. 

In the meanwhile, there's no reason why we can't carry on using this list. Your comments and ideas would be most welcome.


(not a Panelist or authority-figure in any sense of the word)

Judyth Mermelstein     "cogito ergo lego ergo cogito..."
Montreal, QC           <espresso@e-scape.net>
"A word to the wise is sufficient. For others, use more."

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