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[atlarge-discuss] Jeff Williams vs Star Chamber
Hello Jeff:
I must say things are not looking good. And trying to close out the INEG bank account and withdrawing all the funds is not helping any. Yes I know all about it Jeff. The INEGroup Chief Financial Officer emailed me yesterday. He got a call from the bank while you were still standing at the teller window. Apparently you forgot that it takes 2 personally witnessed signatures for corporate officers to withdraw any cash. Trying to forge his name on the withdrawal slip is only making matters worse for you. By the way the CFO told me that since you are not returning his phone calls he has limited individual charges on your company credit card to $4.99 per any 24 hour period. I think he is a little mad at you.
Jeff are you sure you are OK? You may want to see a doctor because even though most of us are used to your erratic behavior it seems it's been getting out of hand lately. And by a doctor I mean a real doctor not Miss Cleo (yes, the CFO told me about THOSE charges to your expense account too). Besides I think they put her in jail for psychic fraud or something like that. Which makes me wonder if she was a psychic why didn't she know she was about to be arrested and just leave town? Anyway I really think you should find a doctor that might calm you down a bit. I mean 5280 cross postings for November is a bit too much don't you think? That comes to about 1760 postings per week this year. And that's not counting those "errant/disruptive behavior" bots you keep sending out. Is this some kind of "very personal" bot or maybe a special code? The reason why I'm asking is because I noticed that the only time the bot was released was when you were awake. Isn't a bot supposed!
o be automatic instead of copy/paste/send?
All of us at the East Coast Chapter of INEG are still behind you Jeff. Maybe some distance behind you but behind you nevertheless. Unfortunately the distance might increase because of the growing number of charges that the Independent Investigator is compiling against you. The list now includes morals charges, credit card fraud, voyeurism, grand larceny, falsification of corporate audit reports, and jay-walking (the Super 8 Motel security camera in the parking lot caught you failing to use the pedestrian lane while walking across the street from the Lone Star Liquor Store). Oh yes I almost forgot. You remember the goat that you rented from that rancher in Kirkwood, Texas? Well the woman was apparently very upset when you returned the goat at the end of the weekend with all its hair shaved off and wearing eye mascara. So I guess she is going to press charges which will add a cruelty to animals misdemeanor violation to the list. Ya gotta slow down Jeff! Quit acting so!
Your Fraternity Brother and Friend From a Distance,
Larry Fuss
Spokesman for INEGroup/East Coast Chapter - (Over 127k members/stakeholders strong!)
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
E-Mail: fussman2003@yahoo.com
Contact Number: 709-466-4353 or 709-466-1180
Address: 525 Palmtree Lane Clarenville NF A0E1J0
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