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RE: [atlarge-discuss] jeff williams is really not real

Albert Brickel wrote:

|  In response to the following rants from Jeff (Zombie-Kook)
|  Williams find below some appropriate information:

I think everyone on this list is intimately familiar with (and tired of
hearing about!) all the arguments surrounding Jeff Williams.  As far as I'm
concerned, they are off topic in this forum, and violate the e-mail rules we
set up (perhaps my fellow Panel members could chime in on this?)

This is a Internet *user* organization, and no one's affiliations have sway
here.   Any person who wishes may post here as long as they stay within the
rules, and understand that, in this forum, they speak only on behalf of

Jeff is obviously a real person.  I've talked to him on the telephone, and
read enough of his words in this and other forums.  The fact that there is a
controversy surrounding Jeff does not make him less of a person.  And any
person is welcome here.

You will note that I am supporting neither position on the question of the
legitimacy of any affiliation Jeff may have asserted, and rightly so.
First, everything anyone has ever posted so far is anecdotal, and I have no
independent, authoritative way to verify or disprove same, (other than to
jump on an airplane to Texas, which is not in my budget!).  Therefore,
lacking authoritative evidence, I choose to not to take a position.   Also,
as I've noted above, Jeff's bona fides in this forum (or any other member's
bona fides for that matter!) are in no way affected by any associations he
may or may not have, which makes them moot.  So there is no reason to wast
time on trying to prove or disprove them.  But most importantly, Jeff was
one of the few voices who kept the conversation alive in the old ALSC Forum
during our darkest of days, when it wasn't clear whether the At Large would
survive.  And although I don't agree with everything he posts here (or most
everyone else here, for that matter, and I'm sure the feeling is mutual!),
Jeff always has a well-researched, on-topic response (except when others are
baiting him and he feels the need to respond!).

We've already had several months of "high noise level" over this issue on
this list, a topic which in my opinion has no bearing in this organization.
Please everyone, lets drop the Jeff Williams bashing and move on!  We have
many *real,* on-topic discussions which need to be discussed.

Bruce Young
Portland, Oregon USA
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