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Re: [atlarge-discuss] jeff williams is really not real

Bruce and all,

  Bruce thank you for chiming in on this nonsense.  I only have a few
comments in that this subject line is about me.

  First, if I was not a real person that pray tell how I would have
an account in my own name with Mindspring?  Pray tell how
I would have registered Domain Names which I pay for, if I
was not a real person?  Pray tell, if I am not a real person
if I was not in the USG's federal registry?  Prey tell, if I am
not a real person, why my taxes are not on file and available
to anyone via a FOIA request for their review?  Prey tell,
if I am not a real person that property that I own in two states
is not on record ( Arizona and Texas)?  Prey tell, if I am not
a real person, that the DOC/NTIA has my proposal for
INEGroup on file on their web site? See:
Prey tell that if I am not a real person, why Wired, Slashdot, NYTIMES,
LA Times, and a half dozen other media sources have my interviews,
and articles on file?  Prey tell if I am not a real person, that I was a member
of the DNSO GA from the beginning?  Prey tell, if I am not a real person,
that my company, is not listed as one of China's Wireless providers?
I could co on and on an on here, but I hope this will be sufficient..

  Secondly, I have until yesterday, never seen this person whom originated
this thread post to this list before?  Has anyone taken note that he is using
a Yahoo E-Mail address which is well known as a once free service
and a prevalent originator of spam?

  Lastly, I don't know of any rules for this ML thus far that have been
approved by the members, but I agree that such topics are far off the
mark for this forum.

bruce@barelyadequate.info wrote:

> Albert Brickel wrote:
> |  In response to the following rants from Jeff (Zombie-Kook)
> |  Williams find below some appropriate information:
> I think everyone on this list is intimately familiar with (and tired of
> hearing about!) all the arguments surrounding Jeff Williams.  As far as I'm
> concerned, they are off topic in this forum, and violate the e-mail rules we
> set up (perhaps my fellow Panel members could chime in on this?)
> This is a Internet *user* organization, and no one's affiliations have sway
> here.   Any person who wishes may post here as long as they stay within the
> rules, and understand that, in this forum, they speak only on behalf of
> themselves.
> Jeff is obviously a real person.  I've talked to him on the telephone, and
> read enough of his words in this and other forums.  The fact that there is a
> controversy surrounding Jeff does not make him less of a person.  And any
> person is welcome here.
> You will note that I am supporting neither position on the question of the
> legitimacy of any affiliation Jeff may have asserted, and rightly so.
> First, everything anyone has ever posted so far is anecdotal, and I have no
> independent, authoritative way to verify or disprove same, (other than to
> jump on an airplane to Texas, which is not in my budget!).  Therefore,
> lacking authoritative evidence, I choose to not to take a position.   Also,
> as I've noted above, Jeff's bona fides in this forum (or any other member's
> bona fides for that matter!) are in no way affected by any associations he
> may or may not have, which makes them moot.  So there is no reason to wast
> time on trying to prove or disprove them.  But most importantly, Jeff was
> one of the few voices who kept the conversation alive in the old ALSC Forum
> during our darkest of days, when it wasn't clear whether the At Large would
> survive.  And although I don't agree with everything he posts here (or most
> everyone else here, for that matter, and I'm sure the feeling is mutual!),
> Jeff always has a well-researched, on-topic response (except when others are
> baiting him and he feels the need to respond!).
> We've already had several months of "high noise level" over this issue on
> this list, a topic which in my opinion has no bearing in this organization.
> Please everyone, lets drop the Jeff Williams bashing and move on!  We have
> many *real,* on-topic discussions which need to be discussed.
> Bruce Young
> Portland, Oregon USA
> bruce@barelyadequate.info
> http://www.barelyadequate.info
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Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup LLA. - (Over 129k members/stakeholders strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng. SR. Eng. Network data security
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
E-Mail jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com
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