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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Columbia, Iraq, DNS

Jefsey and all former DNSO GA members or other interested parties,

  I and many if not most of our members believe that all the
being hoist upon stakeholders/users of the internet is out of place and
divisive in nature.  However to deny it or ignore it is also
as well.  ICANN or ( We ICANN/WECANN, if you will ) is simply
a contracted agent to the USG DOC/NTIA and a Calif. Corp. at present.
It's goals and future, if any, should be in the hands of the

from all nations.  However some are not represented, allowed to
be represented, or severely under/misrepresented.  As such the present
and past leadership of ICANN has garnered the ire of many from within
and especially without the United States.  Here in my humble opinion
rests the problems, concerns, disgruntlement, and distrust from a host
of stakeholders/users that is ever growing.  And this seem to be getting
worse, not better.

  Mike Roberts brought upon himself in the past much distrust that
transferred to ICANN as an organization.  Worldcom and Vint Cerf
and it's fraudulent behavior have added yet more distrust to ICANN
as an organization.  Esther Dyson and her well known, and well
documented, even recently, efforts to seemingly disenfranchise
individual Stakeholders/users participation in the experiment of
ICANN the organization.  And this is only the tip or the management
nightmare that is perceived and realized in a number of areas that
must be stood against in order to effective, positive and meaningful

J-F C. (Jefsey) Morfin wrote:

> Some in here accused me of "Anti-Americanism". This American editorialist
> (named Dick Gordon) says all in this text (he was speaking of Columbia):
> <quote>
> Four days later, Wednesday, Secretary of State Colin Powell gave his
> powerful speech to the United Nations. (You don't have to agree with his
> conclusions to admit it was a powerful speech.) People around the world
> watched and listened. I'm guessing that many of them wanted to be persuaded
> that war with Iraq is a rational option. Some may have been convinced and
> others not. Some never will be. My point is that the deep feelings people
> hold over the loss of the Columbia are hard-wired into the same mental
> circuitry with which they watched Powell. It's a tangle of trust and
> admiration and curiosity and skepticism and cynicism that some commentators
> in this country interpret as anti-Americanism.
> They're wrong. It's not anti-Americanism. I've lived most of my life
> outside the US, and it's a pretty basic observation that people everywhere
> want to know that their views count, even on issues such as this one. I
> think that the global sense of loss that people share over the Columbia and
> their desire to be included in difficult global decisions like what to do
> in Iraq are inseparable. Not unreasonable, when you think that we all have
> a stake in what NASA calls this "tiny blue marble in the cosmos".
> </quote>
> IMHO Columbia, Iraq, DNS make a graduation in importance. Because of the
> DNS impact on everyone life for decades, orientation of the users habits
> and therefore culture and education, etc. it is the source or the patch of
> multiple digital divides and the help or the limitation to innovation.
> As Jeff puts it in another mail: cyberspace is not the 51st US State (nor
> AmerICANN its administration agency, even if 47 USC 230 (f)(1) may be read
> this way). Again I prefer "We ICANN" even it it was said by Mike Roberts.
> jfc
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Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup LLA. - (Over 129k members/stakeholders strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng. SR. Eng. Network data security
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
E-Mail jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com
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