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RE: [atlarge-discuss] I PROPOSE FRANCE

Jefsey Morfin wrote:

|  I propose France to incorporate the secretariat of our organization.

France is fine with me.  I have no preference, other than that we *do*

Bruce Young
Portland, Oregon USA
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|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: J-F C. (Jefsey) Morfin [mailto:jefsey@club-internet.fr]
|  Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 9:15 AM
|  To: atlarge-discuss@lists.fitug.de
|  Subject: [atlarge-discuss] I PROPOSE FRANCE
|  I propose France to incorporate the secretariat of our organization.
|  Pros
|  1. the law is stable (written in 1901)
|  2. there are millions of non profit associations
|  3. cost is $ 35
|  4. there is no tax
|  5. there is no mandatory yearly report if no important financial move
|  6. articles are quite standard, bylaws are free and can be in any langage
|  7. banking accound is quite simple to ontain and can be free
|  8. only two persons are OK to create it
|  9. foreigners are welcome
|  A. can organize a few lotteries
|  Cons
|  1. I manage several of them and I cannot add on - someone has to
|  take over
|  2. delays in getting the official publication can be now 1.5 month
|  3. Chair is legally responsible of the website
|  jfc

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